Λέξεις κλειδιά: Καστοριά, 14ος αιώνας, Μνημεία, Τέχνη, Ζωγραφική, Ναός Αγίου Γεωργίου του Βουνού, Άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς
Keywords: Kastoria, 14th century, Monuments, Art, Painting, Church of St George on the Mountain, St Gregory Palamas
Trifonova Alexandra, The Depiction of Saint Gregory Palamas in the Church of Saint George tou Vounou in Kastoria. New Evidence for the Dating of the Church's Frescoes
1 he frescoes of the church of Saint George tou Vounou in Kastoria are dated by no ktetor inscription, but are usually supposed to originate from the second half of the 14th century. According to the latest studies of the Greek professor E. Tsigaridas, the frescoes date from the period between 1368-69 and 1388-89, and most likely, from 1385. On the other hand, the Serbian professor I. Djordjevic believes they date from one or two years before, to one or two years after 1361, and certainly, «from the period of Serbian rule in Kastoria». New evidence that can give a definitive answer to the dating issue is provided by the depiction of a saint, which I had the opportunity to discover, and which had not been identified by either Tsigaridas or Djordjevic due to its poor condition of preservation. The saint is represented in a medallion, as a hierarch, in bust, with long brown beard and brown hair with a tonsure, and bears a nimbus. He wears a polystavrion felony, holds a cross in the right hand and an evangelion codex in the left one. An inscription in bad condition of preservation reads: [O ΑΓΙΟC] / ΓP[H]/ΓO[PΙ]Ο/C [O] /ΠA/ΛAM[AC] /K(AI) N(EOC) / XPYC(Ο)CT(Ο)MOC (Saint Gregory Palamas and New Chrysostom) (Figs 1 and 2). The «Νέος Χρυσόστομος» epithet of Saint Gregory Palamas is due to him being considered equal in dignity (Ισάξιος) and standing (ίσοστάσιος) to Saint John Chrysostom. This epithet has been associated with Saint Gregory Palamas since his earliest depictions, as in the parekklision of Saints Anargyrois in the Vatopedi Monastery (c. 1371, or late 14th-early 15th c.) (Fig. 4) and in the church of the Holy Three (Confessors) in Kastoria (1400-1401) (Fig. 3). The proclamation of Saint Gregory Palamas as a saint by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople took place in 1368 and it is evident that his depiction must be posterior to this proclamation. We are of the opinion that the canonization of Saint Gregory Palamas is a terminus post quern for the frescoes of the Saint George tou Vounou church, meaning that the frescoes cannot date from 1359-63, as Prof. I. Djordjevic supposes, but should instead be dated after 1368, as Prof. E. Tsigaridas suggests
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