Δευτέρα 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Dimitrova Elizabeta, V. I. Personalities in Medieval Macedonia


Key words: khtetor, medieval endowments, state authorities, nobility, Marko’s monastery, Lesnovo monastery, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Achilles Cathedral, Kurbinovo 
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Κτήτωρ, μεσαιωνικές χορηγίες, κρατικές αρχές, αριστοκρατία, Μονή Μάρκοφ, Μονή Λέσνοβο, Αγία Σοφία Αχρίδας, Καθεδρικός Αγίου Αχιλλείου, Κουρμπίνοβο, Αχρίδα

The article is a structural intro into a larger study of khtetorial enterprises in Medieval Macedonia as a part of the Byzantine Empire and its cultural sphere. It refers to the role of the commissioners in the construction of Macedonian medieval treasury of representative sacral monuments, as well as to their impact over the social matrixes of cultural development in the period between the 11th and the 14th century. Starting from the notion of the actual social opportunities of the members of the ruling dynasties, the highest nobility circles and the church dignitaries in the spheres of creative utilization of their authoritative potential, the paper examines the impact of the different feudal categories of commissioners over the design, the scope, the artistic code, as well as the contemporary cultural significance of the works of art produced in the course of the Byzantine era in the territory of Macedonia. Having in mind the specific historic circumstances of different centuries, as well as the highly determinant social features of different sacral monuments, the aim of the paper is to give an insight into the typological scale and socio-cultural significance of major medieval khtetors in Byzantine Macedonia. 

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