Dzidrova Ljubinka, Heraclea Lyncestis. The Problem of Chronology and Interpretation.
Based on published archaeological records the study tends to give a brief history of the urban development of Heraclea Lyncestis . The basic intention is to certify the alteration of the original plan of the central urban zone imposed during second century AD, fig. 1. The primary organisation of the theatre, forum and the double portico encorporated into a single orthogonal planning system was succeeded in the fourth century by an exedra with an atrial organisation in front of it, and a residential complex of traditional buildings at its back, taking over the function of the former forum . fig. 2, 3, 4 . The Christian era was demonstrated in the installment of the Small Basilica in the southern portico, fig. 6, and the Large Basilica above the remains of the forum. The study tends to clarify the problems of existence of the forum often interchanged with a hypothetical Civil Basilica, and a similarly questionable Basilica B. A differed organisation of the exedra with an atrium than the previously proposed is suggested. The multiple but vaguely known phases of building of the double portico are differentiated, fig. 6, and the problem of the prolonged function of the theatre proving its use until the late sixth century is also taken up. Without entering into a deeper historical analysis, based on reinspected archaeological data, an altered view of the social attribution of the traditional rubble buildings in the city is given, and the tolerance between paganism and Christianity in the example of side by side coexistence of the northern portico and the Small Basilica is shortly refered. The retrospection of the cultural history of the city indicates a dominant imposition of physical changes initiated by natural forces, the earthquakes, apart from the historic or cultural objectives, forming a specific repetitive pattern of changes at the turn of the fourth, mid fourth, the turn of the sixth and during late Justinianic time.
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